Hey look! My own site!
In my last post, I lamented not having a place to put my own stuff. Today I actually took a couple minutes to register a domain, set up DNS nonsense, and upload.
read more...Hugo? More like, No-Go
Driven largely by a staunch refusal to learn anything too new, I’ve decided to try my foolish hand at writing one of these “static site generators”. That is to say, I’ve decided to pretend a task is very very simple, and pray that my needs never outgrow my mediocre bash skills.
read more...Buying someone a new laptop
My partner’s been running with a 2015 MacBook Air for a few years now, but it’s no longer doing what she needs. That is to say, it rapidly converted from “ok” to “very stinky” over the last year-ish.
read more...What is it with pointers?
Listen, if I had to pick a language to write a decent program in, I’d want to use something like Rust. It behaves in more or less all the sane ways I want a language to behave.
read more...The Worst Phone I Own
I own far too many phones because I’m a nostalgic nitwit and I never manage to get rid of the old ones. Some were broken and replaced, and some were lost to carrier-switching.